Sunday, September 23, 2012

17th month update

She's definitely become smarter in the last couple of weeks. She understands more. Can express more. She even drags me by my hand to show me what exactly she wants. She follows and imitates. To the tee.

The other day my mum was upset about something and was sitting on the sofa with her palm covering her face. For a long time little missy tried to humour her with the antics, even tried a fake laugh, and when all failed, she sat down beside her copying her exact facepalm gesture! Of course all of mumma's worries vanished in a jiffy!

Every day has fascinating 'aanya moments'. Mostly good, sometimes annoying and sometimes painful (for her)!

She picks up the mobile and has an entire one sided conversation with her papa, including a little laugh somewhere mid-way (almost like he'd shared a joke), and doesn't end the call without saying 'bah' (bye). She tried the same with a corded fixed landline one day and was taken by surprise when the phone wouldn't move beyond a certain point. Innocence of a child born in 2011 i say!

Another day, she was flipping through one of her first word picture books, when she started saying 'meow-meow'. It was the first time i saw her relating picture to a sound i'd taught her. The feeling was great! Yesterday she saw the picture of a black panther and 'meowed' again. Not her fault. It does belong to the cat family! Innocence of a child, period!

Two weeks back aanya made a certain discovery. She discovered the apple. I never thought something as plain and simple as an apple could be so fascinating and complicated for a toddler. She began by calling it 'aapa'. Then, any and every fruit became 'aapa'. Even a tomato was 'aapa'. There was an 'aapa' hidden in one corner of my aunt's fridge. She managed to see it through the various utensils and almost threw a fit till she got a slice to herself. She cried like crazy at the railway station because one of the stalls had fresh tomatoes piled up at their counter and she wanted one of those 'aapas' only. As of today the 'aapa' has evolved to 'aple'. (and i haven't misspelt it ).

'Bhaiya' is yet another word she speaks fluently. No mistake in pronunciation even. More so, bhaiya is a good friend. He plays with her. Gives in to most of her demands and doesn't even try to discipline. He shows her the kittens and willingly carries her when wants.   

Now we come to the part where i scold her for being mischievous and she fake cries at once with tears rolling down while looking at one of the grandparents for sympathy. (Thankfully they let me do my bit and console her only after she's corrected her mistake). The best part is, within two minutes its all forgotten and she's back to being her naughty old self. 

Aanya is crossing all her milestones month by month; and i'm becoming more patient with each passing month. Even though the gray hair on my head speak a different language! 

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