Saturday, August 31, 2013

The first battle of sorts...

I came home huffing, my face a crimson red. How could those kids be so insensitive and their parents oblivious of their childs behaviour. It was one of those incidents where my maternal love overpowered basic human reaction. Now when i think back, may be it wasn't as big a deal as i made it out to be. But i was hurt, on my daughters behalf. And i know, it's just the beginning of life and battles. Some will be won...

Aanya's been craving for company. So the other day at the park she tried very hard to 'fit in' with a group of older (maybe by one year) kids. She showed off the tiger on her t-shirt, ran after them, tried to make conversation and all they did was shun her completely. When all else failed, she started saying "sorry". That's when i held her hand and took her away. It wasn't her fault that they were not playing with her but she's too little to understand anything beyond. I distracted her, took her to another play area and all was forgotten. By her. 

I was not able to get over the incident. Agreed i was being oversensitive. 

The next day, she went back to the same kids. They behaved in the exact same manner. And i marveled at my daughters pure heart. She gave her gummy bear chewy to the girl who didn't want to play with her. Of course, the kid gulped it and ran away. Aanya didn't fret. She carried on. She didn't give up. She ran behind the same kids. And i decided to watch from a distance. 

"Maybe it's time for me to grow up. Not shield my daughter all the time. At least not in the park. She's doing pretty well for herself. Maybe she doesn't need me to interfere all the time..." while all these bizarre thoughts crossed my mind, i looked on to find Aanya telling another girl... "See my racing car t-shirt... and that is my mumma", introducing me for the first time ever!

Speechless, i gave her a tight hug. 

She doesn't need 'a' friend. She's happy to play with all the kids in the park. I'm definitely being overprotective of my extremely friendly and expressive 28-month old!


  1. She's a sweetie pie! It must be incredible to introduced as "my mumma". Awwwwww.
    Well written Diya and welcome back :)

  2. Diya kids are like clay then mold themselves in what they see....u both are doing great parenting by teaching her the right values. The world has always been harsh, but then there are friends which u decide....

  3. Awwww sugar plum u both r....shez turning out to b just as sweet as u r diya. Priya arya---

  4. Very well written Diya. Keep writing.

  5. ( Some tears running down my eyes) Beautifully expressed.

  6. Nicely done. Glad the writing is back, and how!!!!
