Thursday, December 15, 2011

'Bhow Bhow kore Panzu Bhauki'

Re Mama Re Mama Re
Re Mama Re Mama Re
Hum to gaye bazaar mein lene ko lauki
lauki wauki kuch na mila
peeche padh gaya 'Panzu bhauki' 

Of all the versus from the rhyme, this one's Aanya's favourite. She giggles and croons with just one mention of his name. 'Panzu bhauki' is Panzer, our three year old chocolate brown lab. We brought him home on 27 Oct 2008, forty seven days after he was born. 

First day home

Bath time
My man in white (MMW) always believed that if we're able to bring up a doggie baby well, we'll be able to make responsible parents. We were in Kochi and i spoke to a few breeders and finalised on one guy who was to take us a few kilometers away to 'check out' a litter. "We're only going to see the pups Diyu, not picking up one today", was what i was told. I'd never seen a doggie breeders house. Spread across acres, there were black dogs, white dogs, brown dogs, barking dogs, quiet dogs, ferocious dogs, expensive dogs and suddenly this brown ball of dirty fur was brought and kept near MMW's feet. And boy he was active! The pup licked our feet, danced around us, jumped till he was lifted, dirtied our shirts, licked our faces... and we melted. We brought him home, with a stop over at the vet (for his first shots) and a pet shop. The pampering had begun...

The hunt for the name was on. Suggestions were pouring in. We liked 'fudge', 'gyro', and almost named him 'shadow', till Nana Dadu mentioned of his well behaved, intelligent police dog called Panzer. We googled it. Finalised it. And he responded well to it. 
Cherai Beach
Kochi 2009

MMW and I are both from dog loving families. We've grown up with dogs. I was in favour of a big dog and he's always had a soft corner for daschunds. And panzer came. He was our baby, our cerelac eating baby. We took him everywhere. Friends' b'day party, boat ride on the backwaters, two day stay at munnar, beach outings et all. But there was a tough period. Toilet training was my greatest challenge and his teething my biggest fear. My hands, feet, back... everything was scarred! Many lessons for life were learnt in those few months. 


Vizag 2010
It was transfer time. Our first with him. We booked him on a flight to Delhi. Moved to Vizag. Set up home. Went on leave. Brought him back. Delhi to Vijaywada by 1st AC. Vijaywada to Vizag by road. By now we had started bonding. He knew his 'mumma' and 'papa'. He knew sports shoes meant 'walkie walkie' time and heels meant 'staying alone at home' time. He was trained to sit, stay, take-it, fetch, jump and speak. He recognised the car keys, fetched his 'leeshu', ate when told 'khabar khe nao', slept between the two of us, brought his bonu for guests to see and appreciate, sometimes even put embarrassing clothes on display! There was never a dull moment with him around. He was a brat then and is a bigger brat now. Just magnitudes have changed. 

It was transfer time again. This time we knew separation would be longer. Mainly 'coz it was Mumbai and we weren't getting a house soon. On a flight to Delhi again. He howled and brought the Vizag airport down. The authorities almost refused to take him. It was extremely painful to see him go. In Delhi, my in-laws were waiting. 

Diwali 2011
That day and today. We've not been able to bring him back 'home'. The only saving grace is that he's in the best hands possible. They've given him more love than we could give him. He's pampered even more. Sam (Ma's man friday) gives in to all his whims and fancies. Tini brings him new bones and toys all the time and at night he needs Ma to cuddle up to. They're both scolded if they get home late from work. And he sulks like crazy when even one of them leaves. 

Top Dog

Even at this moment as i write this, my heart feels heavy and my eyes are swelling up. We never wanted to leave Panzer. Circumstances just didn't allow it. However much i may justify, we've not been the best parents to him. There is still hope. 

'Bhow Bhow kore Panzu Bhauki' = 'Panzu Bhauki does Bhow Bhow'


  1. Wow..what a lovely piece of article. Pet magazines would love to include it in one of the editions. Btw, If i am right, you used to write for fashion magazines. Seems you are gaining thick and fast in this new arena as well.

    Congrats Diya.

  2. thats soooo sweet!

    this is nina...sorry but this was the easiest way to comment!

  3. Thanks so much amit...
    i never written for a fashion magazine. i wrote for the hindu in kochi and yo vizag at vizag. my articles are more lifestyle based. your comment has encouraged me to write more...

    thanks nina :)

  4. Absolutely overwhelming! The relation with a dog is totally beyond the scope of human comprehension and you've put it down beautifully in words! Keep up the good work, Di and keep blogging! Cheers :)

  5. Having met the big old softie a couple of times now (and been slobbered thoroughly!) I can relate a bit! Love the doggy, love this post and especially love those pics of him as a puppy!

  6. My eyes swelling up too as I read this. Miss you all and understand the pain. I'm sure Panzy knows ur love for him.
