Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Miles to Go

Almost six years into my marriage, mother of an 8 month old daughter and 3 year old doggie son, I feel there’s so much more to discover. Hence the ‘Miles To Go’… The three words from Robert Frost’s poem define me. Be it with relationships, work or life in general… I still have Miles to Go before I sleep (or even lie down)!

A freelance journalist by profession, romantic at heart, laziness personified, I love to cook (for people who love to eat). My man in white has ensured that I travel with him through his umpteen transfers, which includes pack and unpack and set up home every time we move. For which he has to pay by bearing my temper tantrums and mood swings through the move.

I’ll give a lot of credit to my tech savvy mother and graphic designer sister, who unknowingly have contributed towards the starting of this blog. They’ve inspired me. I’ve always loved to write but they gave me the push. There will be times when I’ll be tied down with the lil one, but I’ll make a promise to be as regular as possible.


  1. I must congratulate u on this beautiful blog !!and yes we would wait for ur posts ,the journlist/writer in you will get place to be out once again.keep up the good work

  2. Great dear!! I am sure you will have struggle to take time out to write ... but I do wish you continue..

  3. congratulations.. on your new blog.. waiting to read your amazing posts... good luck!

  4. thanks for all the support and encouragement... am fully charged to write more!!!
